Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Reason For Everything!

Swami has been lazing around for quite a few days now. The only worthwhile activity that has been going on was some reading. Amazed by the fact that people all over this globe think and act on similar terms, I have decided to look around a bit more than I am used to. We all spend a big part of our lives confining ourselves to little cubicles, defining our territories, shaping the surroundings the way we want them to be.

And there I decide…not to dictate or even try to judge how somebody else lives. Everybody has a reason to live life as they do, and if I am ever to interfere, it is important to think not twice or thrice but many many times over.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Swami at Peace.

Swami was at his creative best today, that he decided to start blogging. Swami has been around leading a life of recluse and seclusion, in Blogosphere. Yes, I must admit that I have been reading a LOT of blogs. I did not for some reason, to this day have the courage to comment on one, I really cannot justify that way of being.

I'm planing to read more, this while around. And, perhaps start commenting on blogs. That will add more zest to the whole deal. 
So, ... I'm looking around.