Sunday, February 1, 2009

Okay, now. I don’t get it either!


People don’t seem to get it. People don’t ever want to accept any Lie about God, even if it is so straight-in-the-face.

One thing that comes to my mind particularly is Sabarimala Makaravilakku ( Read this for a really nicely written background, and about how the divine light is anything but divine at all). They keep doing it again and again. Okay, they HAVE to keep it going. One thing: it’s about the money involved, which is really very Huge. Other, it’s a lameness at its worst excess: to keep people’s faith in the right place.

The rituals were carried out again!! No, I don’t mean the actual one, I mean the on TV. Yes, for the sheer dumbness of the matter, channels did it LIVE. Live Reporting of a Great Hoax. You thought it wouldn’t get worse and it did.

Why do people so refuse to believe. Why is so hard. Even, when you have all the facts and it’s PROVEN that it’s all a planned and “neatly” managed set-up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes. Me too.